Thursday, 27 June 2013

Man with 10 stone testicles: Channel 4 documentary subject says rare medical condition 'made my life a freak show'

  • He was unable to walk properly, drive, or have sex after his testicle sac swelled to the weight of a ­pot-bellied pig
Deformed: Warren had to use a massive hoodie for trousers

Deformed: Warren had to use a massive hoodie for trousers

A bachelor who lived with a 10-stone scrotum for five ­humiliating years is now hoping to find love after corrective surgery changed his life. Wesley Warren Jr, known as Warren, was almost housebound and unable to walk properly, drive, or have sex after his testicle sac swelled to the same weight as a ­Vietnamese pot-bellied pig.
The former salesman couldn’t even wear trousers and had to resort to putting his legs through the arms of an enormous hoodie before zipping the body up over his gigantic testicles and tying the ­drawstrings beneath.
Before his operation, desperate Warren described his life as a living, breathing freak show. Warren, 49, groaned: “I draw attention everywhere I go.
“There are a lot of people that will look and laugh and stare in shock and awe and amazement and it’s tough to deal with.”
Wesley Warren - The man with 10 stone testicles

Painful: Warren was almost housebound

Little did Warren know about the ordeal ahead of him when he accidentally ­triggered his condition by crushing his privates while getting out of bed.
Doctors prescribed antibiotics for the inflammation but ­instead of going down, the swelling increased until his scrotum was the size of a beach ball. He was diagnosed with the extremely rare scrotal lymphoedema. It causes ­elephantitis, which leads to ­excessive swelling in certain body parts. Warren’s crippling deformity meant he couldn’t even sit down without a milk crate between his legs and going to the toilet was a daily torment.

Wesley Warren - The man with 10 stone testicles

Under the knife: Doctors operate on Warren

“I miss just doing simple things such as going to the post office and shopping in the supermarket,” he had said.
“It’s almost like being in prison. I don’t know how much longer I have to live with this testicle sac continuing to grow.
“But there is no plan as to what I can do. I don’t have any answers.” Unable to work and reliant on benefits, Warren, from Las Vegas, Nevada, didn’t think he’d ever be able to afford the ­complex surgery he needed.
Local doctors were only able to offer him complete removal of the whole area, which would effectively castrate him. With the weight of his testicles ­increasing by several pounds a month, Warren took to Facebook to raise the cash to travel further afield.
Through social media and appearances on US TV, he managed to get $2,000. But things turned sour when social security officials got wind of his savings and temporarily stopped his benefits.
Wesley Warren post op images

Relief: Warren after surgery

Warren, who was terrified he would end up homeless, even considered selling his testicle sac on eBay to help fund his treatment.
But after a consultant in ­California heard of his plight he offered to perform the surgery, worth ­hundreds of thousands of dollars, for free.
The 13-hour operation was filmed by Channel 4 and involved removing 132.5lb of ­tissue.
Doctors then took skin from other parts of his body to ­reconstruct his genitals which remained in full working order.
Warren feels he has been through hell and back but for the first time in five years, his outlook is positive.
“I cannot express how ecstatic I’m feeling about the future,” he said after the surgery.
“And if some way somehow or another I can stumble upon love – any kind of love – I think I will finally be happy.
“I’m very thankful that I’ve been given my life back.”
Source - Mirror

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