Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Fashion au?

Wild thing: Rodman went all-in with his crazy getup that included a seaweed-looking necklace complete with small shells

Fashion statement: Dennis Rodman sported a blonde mohawk, heavy make-up and a gaudy blazer on Sunday for the finale of All-Star Celebrity Apprentice in New York City

Side views: Rodman wore a big blonde mohawk

Side views: Rodman wore an a big blonde mohawk

Setting the bar: Rodman in a macabre outfit in Chicago in 2005 for a book signing event for his book I Should Be Dead By Now

The bride wore white: Rodman dressed in a wedding gown in August 1996

Familiar mohawk: Dennis also had a blonde mohawk in December 2005 at a bikini pageant in Florida

Fungua hapa kujua habari zaidi - Dennis Rodman makes bold fashion

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