Thursday, 21 November 2013

Woman branded the 'Half-Ton Killer' reveals how she has lost 600 POUNDS in the five years since she was found not guilty of rolling over and smothering her nephew

  • In 2008, Mayra Rosales became known as the 'Half-Ton Killer' after she was accused of murdering her two-year-old nephew Eliseo by falling on him with her 1,000 body
  • She was found not guilty, and her sister Jaime is serving a 15-year sentence for abusing a child
  • Mayra is now the subject of an upcoming TLC special about her current life
Mayra Rosales
Transformation: Mayra Rosales, once the world's heaviest woman, has lost a staggering 600lbs in the five years since she shot to fame as the 'Half-Ton Killer'. Her new life is revealed in an upcoming TLC special

Mayra Rosales
Unrecognizable: Mayra (pictured with her cousin) has indeed managed to shed an astounding amount of weight thanks to surgeries, physical therapy, and huge changes to her diet. But now she must adjust to normal life

Emergency: In a trailer for the episode, Mayra - who weighed a shocking 1,200lbs at her heaviest - is wheeled out of her home and transported to hospital in a U-Haul because she is too big for an ambulance

Follow-up: Last year, TLC aired a TV special about Mayra's murder trial and acquittal, in which she was accused of smothering her two-year-old nephew Eliseo to death by falling on him with her 1,000 body

Not guilty: Mayra was acquitted in 2011 after evidence concluded that the boy had multiple injuries to his skull that were not indicative of being smothered. Her sister Jaime was later found guilty

Mayra Rosales
New woman: Today, Mayra has been given a second chance at life, and one of her goals is to become physically fit enough to be able to adopt and take care of her nieces and nephew

Mayra Rosales
Healthy lifestyle: She has undergone two surgeries, and is awaiting a gastric bypass surgery in the coming months. She has also been following a high-protein, low-carb diet, with plenty of steamed vegetables

Mayra Rosales
Real criminal: Mayra's sister Jaime (pictured) was found guilty of causing injury to her own child, and is currently serving a 15-year sentence

eliseo rosales

Taking the blame: 'I thought I was dying anyway so I decided to admit that I'd done it to protect my sister because I love her,' Mayra said of confessing to the murder of her nephew Eliseo (pictured)

WATCH: Half-Ton Killer: Acquitted and Transformed

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