Monday 28 October 2013

'The first thing I did was look at my vagina in the mirror, and it looks better than before': Kim Kardashian's VERY candid admission about her body after baby

Cowed: The reality television personality felt like she had been picked on by the media over her size
Just days after she gave birth to Kanye West’s baby Kim Kardashian was already examining her vagina in the mirror and considering a naked Playboy shoot. ‘When I came back from the hospital the first thing I did was go and look at my vagina in the mirror. It looks better looking than before,’ she told her sister Khloé on the latest episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians - filmed just after she gave birth to baby ‘North’.

The revelation was made in the same breath that the publicity hungry-mother talked about her new ‘paternal instincts’ and ‘overwhelming love’ for her daughter.

‘I just want to come out to the world, and be naked and be like, ‘I look so hot. I am back,’ she raved, while making lewd gestures with both hands at the camera.
‘You called me a whale, Shamu, a cow…’ she continued in her backlash to those who criticized her weight gain during pregnancy.
In comments that might irritate many new mothers the reality TV/ sex tape star also brushed off childbirth as ‘the easiest thing ever.’
‘Labour was honestly the easiest thing ever. I did not feel one thing. Like, it was not hard,’ said Kim, 33, who has already been married and divorced twice but is now engaged to rap music icon Kanye West.
‘And then just staring at her…Everything that they say that happens is so true, like you fall so in love and it’s this deep connection,' she gushed.
Discussing her short post-baby hiatus from the limelight she said: ‘I just want to spend time with her, with Kanye. 
'Literally we just watch movies, we just chill, I get so much work done, like thinking of ideas of stuff that I want to do with like Dash and everything that we do,’ she rambled.
Kim also admitted to her sister that she and Kanye had some disagreements about how much their baby should be in the public eye.  
‘Kanye doesn’t want us doing baby pictures…with Kanye it’s a different dynamic,’ she said reluctantly.
‘I’m still an open book and I still share my life but I guess you can’t expect everyone else to want to jump into a career that they just don’t want to be in,’ she said.  
Before the birth Kim had discovered she needed emergency labour because she was suffering from pre-eclampsia.
After some panicky calls to her sisters the women rushed to the hospital – where Kim addressed her unborn child on a camera phone.
‘Ok, so we are officially going through with this, I am so excited to meet you. Your dad is on a plane and he literally lands now. He’s going to freak when he realizes he’s going to meet you really soon,’ she said.
Baby North was born at 4.5 pounds, five weeks early, to a fanfare of balloons and high-end baby accouterments.
‘I am freaking out,’ said
‘momager’ Kris Jenner as she flapped around the house trying to ‘get everything organised.’
Breastfeeding proved to be easy for Kim too: ‘My boobs are ridic, they are the size of huge cantaloupes,’ she told her mother.
‘You have torpedoes, like I have never seen breasts that size in real life…It’s like Anna Nicole Smith. Do you pump in front of Yeez?’ asked Khloé, 29, who is yet to have a baby.
‘I had no choice in the hospital… he doesn’t mind,’ replied Kim.
Adding: ‘I feel really good…North is my BFF, I hang out with her every single day.’ 
Before the baby arrived whooping cough vaccinations caused much hilarity in the house, especially with Khloé, who screamed blue murder before the needle even touched her.
‘I am not a shots kind of girl,’ she bellowed.
Naming the child was also a joke within the family - when Kim discussed ‘dropping the West part and just going with just ‘North’.
‘You know what, I don’t even care, I don’t even care what my name is at this point,’ laughed Khloé.
Meanwhile Bruce Jenner, who was not at the hospital for the birth, made a ‘new best friend’ in ventriloquist Jeff Dunham.
‘If he played golf I’d marry him,’ said the former Olympian.
Attending a Dunham comedy show with his two sons Jenner, 63, almost cracked a smile when the joke turned to his plastic surgery.
‘Bruce Jenner has had more work done on his face than I had when you built me,’ jibed the ventriloquist’s dummy.
Bruce’s son Brody told him he was ‘coming on too strong’ in the friendship – especially when he made Jeff a clay model as a gift.
‘No. It’s nice to have a friend outside the family…we have fun together,’ said Bruce in self-defense.
Meanwhile on a trip to Vegas Scott and Khloé cruised the red light district and chatted to a prostitute who admitted her mother was a ‘crack fiend.’
‘It’s so weird to think of all that stuff that’s going on out there that you have no idea about,’ said Disick, who apparently has made it to 30 without learning anything about America’s crack cocaine epidemic.
Sheltered millionaire Khloé was also shocked by the poverty and took a drive down ‘skid row’ to ogle some down-and-outs.
‘I just wonder…how do these people get here?’ she mused from her shiny SUV.
Keen to ‘hear the stories’ of the people on the streets Khloé then decided to serve lunch at the ‘Downtown Women’s Center’ for underprivileged females.
‘Their stories are so touching,’ she said.

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