Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Bittersweet moment as cancer-stricken boy, 2, serves as the best man at his parents' wedding after they brought it forward when doctors gave him just weeks to live

  • Sean Stevenson and Christine Swidorsky, of Jeannette, Pennsylvania had planned to wed next July
  • But moved the ceremony to this Saturday so their son, Logan, 2, who has two weeks to live, could participate
  • He has Fanconi anemia, a rare disease that often results in cancer. He has already lost one kidney and has a mass on his remaining kidney
  • Swidorsky carried Logan down the aisle at the backyard ceremony that also doubled as a celebration of his short life
Christine Swidorsky carries her son and the couple's best man, Logan Stevenson, two, down the aisle to her husband-to-be Sean Stevenson during the wedding ceremony on Saturday in Jeannette, Pa
Christine Swidorsky carries her son and the couple's best man, Logan Stevenson, two, down the aisle to her husband-to-be Sean Stevenson during the wedding ceremony on Saturday in Jeannette, Pa

Looking dapper in a tiny tan pinstripe suit and orange shirt, a 2-year-old boy with only weeks to live served as the best man Saturday afternoon for his parents' Pennsylvania wedding.
Christine Swidorsky carried Logan Stevenson on her shoulder at the Saturday afternoon wedding in Jeannette, a suburb of Pittsburgh.
Logan stood with his grandmother, Debbie Stevenson, during a 12-minute ceremony uniting Logan's mother and his father, Sean Stevenson. The boy has leukemia and other complications.
‘We're married,’ Swidorsky exclaimed joyously after kissing her groom to applause from family and friends.
After a whirlwind week, the Jeannette couple tied the knot in a hastily arranged backyard ceremony that formalized their union and celebrated Logan's life, which doctors say will be cut short soon by cancer.
The Stevensons abandoned an original wedding date of July 2014 after learning from doctors late last month that their son had two to three weeks to live. 
The couple wanted Logan to see them marry and to be part of family photos.
Logan, who was born Oct. 22, 2010, was diagnosed shortly after his first birthday with acute myeloid leukemia. He has Fanconi anemia, a rare disease that often leads to cancer.
He endured a stem cell transplant in July 2012. Last March, he underwent surgery to remove a kidney ravaged by a tumor.
During a Make-A-Wish trip to Disney World in June, Logan fell ill. He was hospitalized in Florida before he was flown back to Pittsburgh.
During a trip to the emergency room last month, a test revealed a mass in his remaining kidney, which led to his terminal prognosis.
Swidorsky's daughter, Isabella Johns, 13, served as bridesmaid and the couple's one-year-old daughter, Savannah, was her parents' flower girl.
Logan is spending his remaining days at home, where he is showered with attention from family members. 
'It hurts so bad because Logan is such a loving child... when I cry he wipes my tears away,' Swidorsky told The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. 'Logan is a mama's boy.'
'His entire life has been nothing but hospitals,' Kellie Young, the toddler's aunt told the newspaper.
Last week doctors gave the little boy two to three weeks to live and told the devastated parents that continuing treatment would not be beneficial.
They told Swidorsky and Stevenson the best thing for Logan was to be at home with his parents, that he would be in less pain there.
'For such a small person, he has touched thousands of people,' Young said.
Logan's father said he felt happy he has had the chance to bring his son home from hospital and spend this time with him. But at the same time he said he felt helpless, knowing what lies ahead.
'It'll be the hardest thing I'll ever do is bury my son. You know it's coming, and you can't do anything about it,' he said.

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Logan Stevenson's stuffed toy, Bun Bun, rests on a table with his suit jacketDetail from a wedding cake donated by Leslie Joseph of Hunker shows a representation of Logan Stevenson, 2, and his favorite stuffed animal
Logan's favorite stuffed toy, Bun Bun, rests on a table with his suit jacket, while the pair were also celebrated on his parent’s wedding cake

Logan has only weeks to live but his parent wanted him to see them marry and to be part of family photos
Logan has only weeks to live but his parent wanted him to see them marry and to be part of family photos

Newlywed Christine Stevenson and Sean Stevenson smile after sharing their first kiss at Saturday's ceremony, the couple had originally planned to marry next July but wanted to share the day with Logan
Newlywed Christine Stevenson and Sean Stevenson smile after sharing their first kiss at Saturday's ceremony, the couple had originally planned to marry next July but wanted to share the day with Logan

Tragic: Sean Stevenson, right, and Christine Swidorsky, center, chose to move their ceremony to this Saturday so their two-year-old son, Logan, could participate

Love: Logan, pictured left with his parents and right, was given two to three weeks last FridayLove: Logan, pictured left with his parents and right, was given two to three weeks last Friday
Logan was diagnosed shortly after his first birthday with acute myeloid leukemia

Sick: Logan, pictured left and right, was first diagnosed at 14 months. He has been in and out of hospitals sincef
Logan is spending his remaining days at home, where he is showered with attention from his family

Tears: Sean Stevenson, right, feels helpless dealing with Logan's prognosis

Tears: Sean Stevenson, right, feels helpless dealing with Logan's prognosis

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