Friday, 29 August 2014

How do you know you've met "The One"

The excitement of a new relationship is absolutely amazing. You have someone new to text back and forth with. You get to get dressed up and go out on dates. You've got butterflies in your stomach and you can't stop smiling! It's a great feeling. But right along with that feeling of joy and pure excitement, is sometimes a nervous feeling. You've been hurt before. How do you know this time will be different? Can you even trust your own judgement anymore?

You just know! If you've really met "The One" - your soul mate, your Mr. or Mrs. Right - you will just know. You will have that feeling. It will be like finally putting the triangle peg in the triangle hole after years and years of trying to force that triangle peg in a square hole. It will just be the perfect fit. Of course that person won't be perfect, but they'll be the perfect match for you.

After repeatedly getting hurt and choosing the wrong person, it can be very difficult to recognize a good man or woman when you have one. You may begin to doubt or second guess your judgement, but you have to look at your failed relationships of the past and see the difference between those and a good one.

Don't push someone away just because you are not used to being treated right. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to them. Not giving someone a chance just because you're afraid of getting hurt again could be robbing you of your ideal mate. You can't blame your new boo for the things other people did to hurt you in the past.

If you can't bring yourself to trust someone enough to start a new relationship, you may not be ready for a new relationship at all. You might want to take a break from the dating scene and work on getting closure on your past relationships.

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