Monday, 3 March 2014

Oscars zaja Kenya

Girl done good: Lupita celebrated her win but didn't forget about the reason Steve McQueen wanted to make it
Kama ilivyokuwa imetarajiwa na wengi mwigizaji mashuhuri kutoka Kenya Lupita Nyong'o amenyakuwa tuzo la Oscar la mwigizaji msaidizi wa kike kwa jukumu lake la kuelezea masaibu ya Patseh katika filamu ya utumwa ya ''12 Years A Slave.''
Baada ya kupokea tuzo hilo Lupita amesema " Haikwepi mawazo yangu kwamba hata dakika moja ya furaha katika maisha yangu ni shukran na maumivu makubwa kwa mtu mwingine.''
Kisha Lupita akaongeza kusema, " Na iwe ukumbusho kwangu na kila mtoto kwamba kokote unakotoka, ndoto zako ni halisi.''
Mwigizaji Jared Leto alinyakuwa tuzo la mwigizaji bora msaidizi wa kiume kwa jukumu lake la kuelezea maisha ya mwanamke aliye na jinsia mbili aliyekuwa na akiishi na virusi vya HIV katika filamu Dallas Buyers Club.
Alilazimika kupunguza uzani kwa kipindi kifupi ili kuigiza. Sherehe ya kutolewa kwa tuzo hizo zimefanyika mjini Los Angeles nchini Marekani.

Angalia picha zidi za tukio hapa chini
Bringing down the house: Lupita Nyong'o's heartfelt acceptance speech deeply touched many in the audience
'The dead are standing about you and watching, they are grateful and I am too': Lupita's moving tribute to Steve McQueen choked up everyone in the room
Cream of the crop: Lupita beams with Best Oscar winner Matthew McConaughey
We won! The cast and crew of 12 Years A Slave are elated, as it all becomes too much for Lupita Nyong'o
Tears and triumph: Angelina Jolie is seen embracing Lupita while actor Chiwetel Ejiofor hugs producer Brad Pitt as the film wins Best Picture
Celebration: Lupita and Brad embrace as the happy news is announced on stage
Group hug: Lupita embraces 12 Years A Slave director Steve McQueen while producer Bra Pitt looks on
Winner: Lupita Nyong'o, who celebrated her 31st birthday on Saturday, gave a tearful acceptance speech
Overjoyed: Lupita looked absolutely over the moon to have won the award
Her moment: The actress looked completely overcome with emotion as she got up from her seat
Making an entrance: Lupita lifts her Prada gown to make sure she doesn't trip on her way to the stage
Sharing the joy: The winners couldn't resist a joke as they posed in the press room with their award
Watch my dress! Cate almost steps on Lupita's gown as they pose together backstage
Going for gold: Backstage, Matthew, Lupita and Jared couldn't resist another pose with their statues
No chance, love: Lupita is having none of Jennifer Lawrence backstage as she jokingly tries to grab her gong
Happy! Lupita Nyong'o dances along with Pharrell Williams during his performance of his song from Despicable Me 2
Letting loose: Lupita appeared to be thrilled to be dancing along with Pharrell to his hit song Happy
Bump in the night: Pharrell managed to get the crowds moving for an impromptu dance as he jumped down from the stage
Engraved: Lupita Nyong'o watches as her statue is sketched at the Governors Ball after the Oscars on Sunday
Stunning: Earlier Lupita told MailOnline that she felt like a 'goddess' in her powder blue Prada gown. Now, she's a goddess with an Oscar statue for her first film.
Habari na BBC Swahili
Picha kwa hisani ya Getty Images, Reuters, EPA, Christ Pizzello/Invision /AP, JOHN SHEARER/INVISION/AP,ABC, JORDAN STRAUSS/INVISION/AP,ABC

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