Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Baridi kali yashuhudiwa Marekani

Ice builds up along Lake Michigan at North Avenue Beach as temperatures dipped well below zero on Monday in Chicago, Illinois
Msimu wenye maridi kali kuwahi kushuhudiwa nchini Marekani katika miongo miwli iliyopita, unaelekea kupiga maeneo ya Kusini na Mashariki mwa nchi hiyo. Miji ya New York na Washington ni miongoni mwa miji ambayo imekumbwa na theluji pamoja na baridi kali inayokuja kwa upepo mkali kutoka katika bahari ya Arctic.
Huku baridi ikizidi, gavana wa New York (Andrew Cuomo) amesema kuwa huenda baadhi ya barabara kuu zikafungwa.
Hali hii mbaya ya hewa imelazimisha kufungwa kwa shule huku biashara nyingi zikitatizika hata na safari za ndege pia zimekatizwa pakubwa.
Mamilioni ya watu wameonywa wasitoke nje.
Eneo lenye baridi kali ni Babbitt na Minessota. Theluji hiyo imesababishwa na hewa yenye baridi kali inayotoka katika bahari ya Arctic.

Angalia picha zaidi za tukio hili hapa chini
Freezing: With wind chill warnings stretching from Montana to Alabama, much of the U.S. will see the coldest temperatures in almost 20 years - and there'll be no let up on Tuesday
The Chicago Skyline sits as a backdrop as fog drifts across Monroe Harbor with temperatures well below zero and wind chills expected to reach 40 to 50 below as the whirlpool of frigid, dense air known as the 'Polar Vortex' descended onto much of the U.S. on Monday
Firefighters contend with dangerously cold temperatures and wind as they battle a structure fire in an industrial park just south of Brookston, Ind. on Monday
A man in Flint, Michigan, carries his shovel while walking through the drifting snow on Monday: The deep freeze is to blame for an estimated 13 deaths so far
Wreck: A semi truck sits in the ditch on the eastbound side of I-74 west of St. Joseph, Illinois, on Monday amid sub zero temperatures and blowing snow
A woman pushes her daughter and their groceries through blowing snow in the Kroger parking lot in Green Acres Plaza on State Street in Saginaw Township, Michigan on Monday
Many motorists experienced difficulties getting their cars started due to the weather
Frozen: Greg Rohde commuted to work to the University of Minnesota via cross-country skis along West River Parkway in the frigid -20 weather on Monday
Stuck: John Douglas shovels the snow off his car in Indianapolis on Monday as temperatures hovered around 10 below zero. More than 12 inches of snow fell on Sunday
Wrapped up: Chris Tinney, 41, is covered in snow as he shovels outside businesses in Muskegon, Michigan on Monday morning
Big chill: Houses and streets are covered with a blanket of snow in Chicago, Illinois on Monday after a massive blast of bitterly cold air blasted the area
Deep: Caleb Panning shovels snow on Monday in Bowling Green, Ohio as frigid, dense air swirled across much of the U.S.
Grueling: A man digs his car out of a driveway in Indianapolis on Monday after the city was hit by 30 centimeters of snow and sub-freezing temperatures
Chilled: A horse drinks water from a hole in a frozen water tank in Enid, Oklahoma. Record low temperatures were set in at least two Oklahoma cities on Monday
Skid: The plane is seen after it skidded off the runway at John F. Kennedy International Airport in this picture provided by NBC 4
Covered: Matt Frame brushes off a Buick at Ray Laethem Buick-GMC in Detroit, where more than 15 inches of snow have fallen in some places
Habari na BBC Swahili
Picha na Mashirika

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