Monday, 29 July 2013

Ajali ya basi yawaua 38 nchini Italy

Serious crash: Rescuers line up the bodies of victims of a bus crash last night
Waokoaji kusini mwa Italy wamesema kuwa takriban watu 38 wameuawa baada ya basi moja waliokuwa wakisafria kutumbukia mita thelathini ndani ya mtaro. Abiria wengine walipelekwa hospitalini wakiwa na majeraha mabaya. Basi hilo lilikuwa limebeba abiria waliokuwa wakirudi mjini Napoli kutoka jimbo la kusini la Campania.
Hatahivyo haijabainika kiini cha ajali hiyo iliohusisha magari kadhaa. Basi hilo liligonga magari kadhaa kabla ya kuanguka ndani ya mtaro mjini Avellino. Takriban watu 10 wamejeruhiwa baadhi wakipata majeraha mabaya sana, kwa mujibu wa vyombo vya habari nchini Italia. Basi hilo liliwa limewababa abiria hamsini ikiwemo watoto waliokuwa wanarejea Naples baada ya kufanya hija.
Picha zilionyesha miili ya watu iliyokuwa imetapakaa kando ya barabara pamoja na magari yaliyokuwa yameharibiwa kwenye ajali hiyo. Dereva wa basi hilo ni miongoni mwa wale waliofariki. Waathiriwa kadhaa hata hivyo hawakuweza kutambulika , kwa mujibu wa msemaji wa polisi akisema kuwa wangali wanatoa miili katika magari yaliyoharibiwa.

Angalia picha za tukio hapa chini
Horrific: Rescuers wielding electric saws cut through metal looking for survivors inside the mangled bus, stopping occasionally in silence to listen for any cries for help
Devastation: Reports said the passengers, who came from the Naples area, were travelling back from either a day in Puglia or a visit to a thermal spa area near Benevent
Carnage: Firefighters stand near the wreckage of the bus which plunged 30m (98ft) off a motorway into a ravine, killing at least 39 people
'It's truly terrible': Prime Minister Enrico Letta observed a minute's silence before starting his speech on a trip to Greece to meet his Greek counterpart
Holiday horror: A crane lifts up the wreckage of a bus which toppled off the highway above killing at least 38 tourists in the southern region of Campania in Italy
Sifting through the debris: According to Italy's Transport Minister, the death toll stood at 39, with ten people seriously wounded, including six children
Personal: Shoes and other belongings are seen where the coach crashed after plunging off a viaduct near the southern town of Avellino
Twisted metal: Firefighters said most of the dead were found inside the mangled bus while a few of the victims were pulled out from underneath the wreckage
Mangled: The bus veered off the highway after it had smashed into several cars that were slowed by heavy traffic, said police and rescuers
Wreckage: Witnesses said the bus had been going at a 'normal' speed on the downhill stretch of the highway when it suddenly veered and started hitting cars
Habari na BBC Swahili
Picha na - AP, AFP Getty Image, EPA, Reatures
Picha zaidi fungua hapa - Picha zaidi za ajali

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