True Love story - He doesn’t even consider kissing me
I am married for two years now and I am already used to the impatience of my husband, every time we go to bed he wants to make wild sex (Ok, not every day, but 3-4 times a week). But after it’s over he totally loses int…Read More
Msaada ............ Nataka kuvunja ndoa kisheria
Habari zenu Wadau wa Extreme79!
Natumai mu wazima na mnaendelea vyema kulisukuma gurudumu la maendeleo. Naomba msaada wetu katika hili.........Mimi ni mume wa mtu niliyefunga ndoa mika 6 iliyopita,…Read More
Mimba ya Penny yatoka?
TAARIFA ya ndani zinazodai kwamba, mimba ya mchumba wa Mwanamuziki wa Bongo Fleva, Nassibu Abdul ‘Diamond’, Peniel Mgilwa ‘Penny’ imechoropoka zimevuja na Risasi Jumamosi imezinasa. Kwa mujibu wa chanzo makini kili…Read More
Why do we fall in love?
Falling in love is a magical experience that happens between two people. So why do people fall in love? Professor Arthur Aron from State University of New York at Stonybrook has been exploring the dynamics of what happens …Read More
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