Monday, 12 August 2013

Biggest Beauty No-No's

Christina hit the great trifecta of beauty fails with this one: over bronzed, invisible brows and sparse spider lashes.

…to over powdering. Blend, blend, blend!
Keep your lipstick from bleeding with an outer liner in a skin-matching shade.
 Too much bronzer will only make large pores more obvious. Use a primer with a blurring effect to combat this.
Most translucent powders aren’t translucent at all on brown skin. IMAN Cosmetics has several sheer powders in various shades of brown that you can try.
Miley’s MUA may have thought they were highlighting her bold red lip, but instead she ended up with an overpowdered flour fail.
There is a glam way to do goth, but this is not it.
Blake tried to cover a few blemishes on her chest with powder, but there’s really no need for an absolutely flawless look on your chest. Correct imperfections with creams instead of powders.
Too. Much. Spray.
Ke$ha’s look may have been gorgeous in an editorial, but on the red carpet she looks like a very tired super hero.

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