Saturday, 3 August 2013

11 Signs that Your Boyfriend is Married But He Lies to You that he’s Single

signs that you boyfriend is marriedsigns that you boyfriend is married
1. He doesn't want you to know where he lives. He will always get a room or come to your house to sleep with you whenever he want to.

2. He switches his phone off late at night claiming that he values his sleep

3. If his wife is upcountry he will be traveling a lot especially over the weekend

4. He will come to you when he is well fed and well groomed, a sign that someone cooks & cleans for him

5. He is never available on Sunday because this is a family day

6. You might call him sometimes & hear a baby crying in the background

7. He will never want you to meet his family members. He will keep on postponing the meeting
8. On Sundays or over the weekend he will never pick your calls but he will call you back when the coast is clear

9. There are certain days of the year he will never be available like this Christmas season

10. He will discourage you visiting him at work especially if the Mrs. is known by the fellow work mates

11. There will be that inner voice called the 6th sense telling you something isn’t right
So ladies before you go around getting your hopes up or falling in love, Do a background check on any man hitting on you.

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