Saturday, 8 June 2013

Urembo sometimes ni noma... hebu angalia hapa

Juli, who writes under the name Bun Bun, before her facial
Alikuwa hivi kabla ya kufanya facial

Juli immediately after the facial
Muda mfupi baada ya facial alikuwa hivi

Spots began coming through the day after her facial
Siku moja baada ya facial ngozi ilianza kubadilika

More and more spots began working their way through her skin two days later
Siku mbili baada ya facial

The clusters of spots around Juli's chin continued to grow and grow
Ngozi iliendele kubadilika

The skin on her forehead began to break out in a pus-filled rash as well

Juli at the clinic where they tried to treat the condition with an anti-bacterial gel that only made the complaint worse
Alijaribu kutumia Gel ili kuondoa bakteria lakini wapi....

Juli following the pus extraction on day four
Siku ya nne baada ya facial

Juli said the whole experience left her traumatised and depressed

Juli five days after the facial

Five days after the facial Juli's skin was only getting worse

'I was at my lowest on day five'

The pustules showed no sign of abating on day five
Angalia siku ya tano ngozi ilivyobadilika

Kwa habari kamili soma hapa - Urembo

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