Wednesday 17 April 2013

She's not a 'monster' any more: Girl, 9, who was called a witch by villagers recovers from surgery to remove growth that left half her face covered in hair

  • Bhawana Thami from Nepal suffers from a rare mole disease 
  • Her protective father never allowed Bhawana to look at herself in a mirror
  • Charity helped to fund surgery needed to remove the hair 
  • She now enjoys activities at school and playing with other children
Getting her confidence back: Bhawana Thami poses for a photograph after most of the hair from her face was removed

Getting her confidence back: Bhawana Thami poses for a photograph after most of the hair from her face was removed

Shunned: Bhawana Thami was called names like monster and witch because of her disfigurement

Shunned: Bhawana Thami was called names like monster and witch because of her disfigurement

Kaluman Thami and her daughter Bhawana looks on while talking to a journalist prior to his daughter's surgery operation in 2012

Kaluman Thami and her daughter Bhawana looks on while talking to a journalist prior to his daughter's surgery operation in 2012

Courageous: Bhawana Thami lies on a stretcher at an operation room in Model Hospital, in Kathmandu, Nepal, in February this year

Courageous: Bhawana Thami lies on a stretcher at an operation room in Model Hospital, in Kathmandu, Nepal, in February this year

Plastic surgeons remove Bhawana's last piece of hair from her face during a surgery at Model Hospital, in Kathmandu this year

Plastic surgeons remove Bhawana's last piece of hair from her face during a surgery at Model Hospital, in Kathmandu this year

Loving father: Kaluman Thami comforts his daughter after a five hour operation to remove the hair from Bhawana's face

Loving father: Kaluman Thami comforts his daughter after a five hour operation to remove the hair from Bhawana's face

Mangali Thami, mother of Bhawana Thami, combs her daughter's hair before going to school at Dusikharka village, Dolakha district. She is now beginning to be accepted into her community
Mangali Thami, mother of Bhawana Thami, combs her daughter's hair before going to school at Dusikharka village, Dolakha district. She is now beginning to be accepted into her community

Close: Bhawana Thami (front centre) poses with her family members including her father next to their home

Close: Bhawana Thami (front centre) poses with her family members including her father next to their home

Hope: Kaluman Thami takes Bhawana Thami for a walk around Dusikharka village where they live

Hope: Kaluman Thami takes Bhawana Thami for a walk around Dusikharka village where they live

Full story click here - Bhawana Thami 

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