Tuesday 17 December 2013

Teenager who cries and sweats BLOOD bounces back from suicide attempt to find true love

  • Delfina Cedeno's condition baffled doctors but the 19-year-old is engaged after her fiancé-to-be read her story and visited her in hospital
Crying blood: Delfina Cedeno suffers from a rare condition

A teenager who suffers from a rare condition that causes her to cry and sweat BLOOD has finally found love.

At her worst, the teen bled for more than 15 days and was once left at death's door and needing a blood transfusion.
The condition baffled doctors in her hometown of Veron, in the Dominican Republic.
The youngster, who has been crying blood for four years, said she was driven to attempt suicide, but she has now found love after her fiancé, Recaris Avila read her story and visited her in hospital.
She said: "When this started happening to me I didn't know what to think - I was terrified and in complete shock.
"At first no one could help me and they looked at me like a crazy person when I told them what was going on.
"It was only when I started bleeding in front of a doctor one day that they began to take me seriously."
Delfina, who will star in a new TV series, said she became so ashamed of the illness that she was terrified of leaving her home.
She ended up dropping out of school and many of her friends deserted her because they were embarrassed to be seen with her.
The 19-year-old added: "People were terrified of me. They thought if they touched me I would stain them with blood.
"Kids laughed and shouted at me. For a long time I just stayed in my bedroom."
Delfina became so depressed that she took an overdose and her family found her collapsed on her bedroom floor.
But, just months later, she had a surprise visit from her now fiance who had read her story.
"He said I was beautiful," she added. "I will remember that moment for the rest of my life."
After hundreds of tests, doctors diagnosed Delfina with an extremely rare condition called Hematidrosis.
It means that the youngster has 20 times the level of adrenaline than that of a normal person and the anxiety attacks it causes makes her blood pressure rise so severely that she sweats, but it comes out as blood.
She has now been given medication to control the bleeding.
She added: "Thanks to Recaris I feel free. I don't feel empty and I don't want to die.
"Meeting him was exciting because I could start going out again.
"I still start bleeding, but I know it will be okay because he's there to help and protect me."

Scroll down for more Delfina photos

Source - Mirror

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