Monday, 11 November 2013

Mall massacre suspects handcuffed in the dock: Four Somalians appear in court accused of helping gunmen carry out Kenya terror attack which left at least 67 dead

  • Abdi Mohamed Ahmed, Liban Abdulle Omar, Adan Mohamed Ibrahim and Hussein Mustafa Hassan, appear in Nairobi court 
  • All pleaded not guilty to charges of carrying out a terrorist attack by supporting a terrorist group
  • None are accused of being among the gunmen who carried out the attack
  • At least 67 people died when al-Shabaab gunmen stormed the building 
  • Children as young as five were shot up to five times by the terrorists

Charged: Abdi Mohamed Ahmed, Liban Abdulle Omar, Adan Mohamed Ibrahim and Hussein Mustafa Hassan, were today charged in connection with the Kenyan Westgate mall massacre in September
Charged: Abdi Mohamed Ahmed, Liban Abdulle Omar, Adan Mohamed Ibrahim and Hussein Mustafa Hassan, were today charged in connection with the Kenyan Westgate mall massacre in September

Smile: Abdi Mohamed Ahmed (front, right) grins as he arrives at the courthouse in Nairobi to answer terrorism charges
Smile: Abdi Mohamed Ahmed (front, right) grins as he arrives at the courthouse in Nairobi to answer terrorism charges

All four are ethic Somalis. They pleaded not guilty to the charges, which also included entering Kenya illegally and obtaining false identification documents
All four are ethic Somalis. They pleaded not guilty to the charges, which also included entering Kenya illegally and obtaining false identification documents

None of the men are accused of being among the four gunmen who carried out the attack, all of whom are all believed to have died during the four-day siege
None of the men are accused of being among the four gunmen who carried out the attack, all of whom are all believed to have died during the four-day siege

The suspects, who had no lawyer, were remanded in custody for one week after the prosecution asked for more time for further investigations
The suspects, who had no lawyer, were remanded in custody for one week after the prosecution asked for more time for further investigations

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