Monday, 14 October 2013

A bridge too far: Dozens of tourists plummet into lake after ignoring 'maximum capacity of 40' warning sign

  • Hundreds of tourists crossed bridge to see Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang city
  • They ignored signs which said it could only support 40 people, not hundreds
  • People were seen struggling to stay afloat and scrambling over each other
  • As many as 18 people suffered minor injuries, no one was badly hurt
Dunked: This was the scene when dozens of photo-hungry tourists ignored guides' warnings and piled onto this bridge to get a better view of Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang city, China

Dunked: This was the scene when dozens of photo-hungry tourists ignored guides' warnings and piled onto this bridge to get a better view of Lushan Mountain in Jiujiang city, China
Unexpected: Tourists saw more than they were expecting when they visited a newly opened marina offering boat trips on a lake when the bridge to the boats collapsed

Unexpected: Tourists saw more than they were expecting when they visited a newly opened marina offering boat trips on a lake when the bridge to the boats collapsed

Cold surprise: Fellow tourists watched as they fell into the icy water one by one, leaving as many as 18 people with minor injuries in east China's Jiangxi province

Cold surprise: Fellow tourists watched as they fell into the icy water one by one, leaving as many as 18 people with minor injuries in east China's Jiangxi province

Creaking: Moments earlier the tourists came onto the bridge which heaved and creaked under their weight
Creaking: Moments earlier the tourists came onto the bridge which heaved and creaked under their weight

Unexpected: Tourists saw more than they were expecting when they visited a newly opened marina offering boat trips on a lake when the bridge to the boats collapsed

Not so swimmingly: This was the scene seconds later

Help! Most of the tourists floundered in the water for about five minutes before they were rescued

Help! People were seen struggling to stay afloat and scrambling over each other as the water flooded onto the bridge

Help! Most of the tourists floundered in the water for about five minutes before they were rescued

Help! Most of the tourists floundered in the water for about five minutes before they were rescued

The bridge had been in trial use since September 26 as it had not yet passed final inspections, according to a report.

Under inspection: The bridge had been in trial use since September 26 as it had not yet passed final inspections, according to a report

Read more: Dailymail

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