Wednesday 24 July 2013

Meet the teenage sex swap lovers

  • Teenagers Arin Andrews and Katie Hill have both undergone surgery to change their gender

Teenagers Arin Andrews and Katie Hill look like any normal young couple posing in their swimwear.

It is hard to believe that just two years ago Arin was a girl called Emerald, and Katie was a boy called Luke.
Arin, 17, and Katie, 19, from Tulsa, Oklahoma, have both undergone surgery to change their gender and now are enjoying being in their bodies they always wished for.
Just over a year ago Katie, a university student, had gender reassignment surgery, thanks to an amazing £25,000 donation from an anonymous donor who read her story in a local newspaper.
Now, Arin, who is still at school, has undergone an operation to remove both of his breasts, and is proudly showing off his new male physique.
For the last year, Arin has been binding up his chest to try to hide his female body, but can now go topless for the first time after his surgery in Cleveland, Ohio, in June.
He said: "Now I can wear a tank top, which I couldn't before, I can go swimming shirtless, I can walk outside, I can just be a regular guy now.
"I hated my breasts, I always felt like they didn't belong - now I can finally be comfortable in my own body."
He added: "Now when I'm out in a public pool, or lifting weights, no-one raises an eyebrow, they just think I'm a guy - just a skinny dude in the gym trying to build some muscle.
"My family have really surprised me with how supportive they have been throughout the surgery. I'm so lucky to have them and Katie to rely on."
Katie and Arin met nearly two years ago at a support group for transgender teenagers and bonded through their shared experiences.
Katie said: "To me, Arin's just my Arin, he's always looked manly to me.
"But now he's had the surgery he's much more confident and comfortable with himself."

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Arin and Katie

Arin Andrews, 17, seen posing with (L-R) Mitchell Richter, 45, Wesley Richter, 12, Arin Andrews, 17, Denise Richter, 44, outside their home

Arin Andrews, 17, seen posing bare chest for the first time since his surgery

Arin Andrews, 17, seen posing for a picture with sweetheart Katie Hill

Arin Andrews, 17, seen posing for a picture with sweetheart Katie Hill

Arin Andrews, 17, seen shopping for a tank top with his girlfriend Katie Hill

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 Source - Mirror

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