Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Home remedies for removing stretch marks

I’ve always hated my marks. I’m trying to find a way to love them, and if not love them, accept them. They’re on my shoulders, arms, butt, thighs, sides, and the backs of my legs. Some days I do love them. They are apart of who I am. One day I’ll love them for good. One day some one else will love them as well.

Step 1

Apply cocoa butter to stretch marks. Massage the lotion into the skin two to three times daily.

Step 2

Blend together 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/4 cup aloe vera gel. Pierce 6 vitamin E capsules and 4 vitamin A capsules, using a needle or sharp edge. Squeeze the capsules and add the contents to the mixture. Apply to your skin as desired. Store in the refrigerator when not in use.

Step 3

Grind 1 cup coffee beans into a loose powder. Mix with a small amount of hand lotion to make a light paste. Massage onto stretch marks several times a day.

Step 4

Apply lavender essential oil onto the stretch mark area. Rub the oil into the skin several times a day. Mix several drops of the oil with almond oil to decrease potency, if the scent is too strong.

Step 5

Eat foods rich in vitamin K. Include spinach, broccoli and other green leafy vegetables that are rich in vitamin K in your diet.

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