Sunday, 5 May 2013

Mother's hope for 18-month-old girl with rare skull condition after doctors reduce swelling round her head

  • Roona Begum suffers from a severe case of Hydrocephalus
  • Doctors drain fluid from her brain and she is responding well
  • 'It's hard watching our daughter go through this, but we know it will be worth it in the end' says her mother
Treatment: Toddler Roona Begum has had a series of procedures at a private hospital near New Delhi to reduce the swelling of her head which has ballooned to three times normal size
Treatment: Toddler Roona Begum has had a series of procedures at a private hospital near New Delhi to reduce the swelling of her head which has ballooned to three times normal size

Gentle: A doctor at the hospital near New Delhi tenderly treats Roona for her extreme case of hydrocephalus
Gentle: A doctor at the hospital near New Delhi tenderly treats Roona for her extreme case of hydrocephalus

Operation: So far doctors have reduced the swelling around 18-month-old Roona's head by nine inches
Operation: So far doctors have reduced the swelling around 18-month-old Roona's head by nine inches

Waiting: Parents Fatima and Abdul at the private hospital near New Delhi where their daughter is being treated
Waiting: Parents Fatima and Abdul at the private hospital near New Delhi where their daughter is being treatedia.

More photos and full story - Dailymail

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