Why Skin Whitening Home Remedies?
We agree that every woman, or maybe man, wants to have white and smooth skin. Nowadays, a lot of cosmetics offer promises and claim that they can whiten skin effectively and efficiently. However, one of many things that causes problem is the use of commercials is very risky. Several reports show that certain products available in the market contain ingredients, such as hydroquinone or mercury, which are harmful to the skin.
So, why we don’t back to the nature? Did you know that many ingredients you usually found at the kitchen can also be used as skin whitening agent? According to many researches, some ingredients we can found at the kitchen can help whitening skin. What are they?
So, why we don’t back to the nature? Did you know that many ingredients you usually found at the kitchen can also be used as skin whitening agent? According to many researches, some ingredients we can found at the kitchen can help whitening skin. What are they?
3 Recipes Of Skin Whitening Home Remedies
In this hub, I want to share a few recipes of skin whitening home remedies. Of course, you don’t have to worry about harmful ingredients since you know what ingredients you use to make your homemade skin whitening products.
Potato is one of the natural ingredients you can use to whiten the skin. Commonly, people use potato to make bleaching facial mask. Useful enzymes in potato, called catecholase, function to remove black spots on the face and make it brighter.
Using potato mask to whiten skin naturally should be in fresh condition. So, you should have to prepare first each time you use potato mask. Don't worry; it doesn't spend your time. But keep in mind, potato masks cannot be stored even in the refrigerator.
How to make skin whitening home remedies with potato? Grate ½ “half-young” potatoes and then put in a small bowl. Add with one tablespoon each of fresh milk and rice flour. Still them until well blended to form a thick paste. Your skin whitening agent is ready to use!
Evenly and thoroughly apply the mask on face for about 20 minutes and then let it dry. Use a cloth that has been soaked in cold water or warm water to clean.
Alternative practitioners suggest applying potato mask every day or every time you need. After a month to do it, you will feel the results.
Lemon is widely used as skin whitening and lightening agents both in the beauty salon or medicine. It’s no wonder since lemon juice whitens then skin by exfoliating dead skin cells.
Vitamin C that lemon contains can help whitening and smoothing the skin. In addition, this vitamin functions as antioxidant. That’s why almost all references recommend the use of lemon juice as skin whitening home remedies.
There are two ways to whiten skin naturally with lime. The first is by consuming lemon. The body will maximally absorb vitamin C. And the second is by rubbing lemon juice on the face and other body parts on a regular basis every day.
Almond has many benefits, one of which includes skin whitening and smoothing agent. It’s no surprised since almonds are rich in vitamin E, which helps maintaining skin moisture.
How to make skin whitening home remedies with almonds? You can make them to be a mask or lotion.
You can apply almond oil mixed with olive oil that has been heated before bed. Just make sure that your skin is clean before applying.
Another way, you can make your homemade skin whitening agent. Crush 50 gram of peeled almonds and then add with three tablespoons of non-fat milk. Stir until well blended to form a thick paste. Add two dropperful of rose essential oil and then still well.
Just apply this mixture on the face or other areas on the body.
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