Monday, 15 April 2013

It's baby Bush! Adorable pictures of Jenna's daughter Mila as 'elated' George W and Laura celebrate arrival of first grandchild

  • Jenna Bush Hager, 31, gave birth to healthy baby daughter on Saturday 
  • Margaret Laura Hager, who was born 6lbs and 15 oz, is the first grandchild for former president George Bush and his wife Laura
Newest addition: Jenna Bush holds her healthy daughter Mila, who was born on Saturday evening, alongside her parents, former president George Bush and his wife Laura Bush, and her husband Henry
Newest addition: Jenna Bush holds her healthy daughter Mila, who was born on Saturday evening, alongside her parents, former president George Bush and his wife Laura Bush, and her husband Henry

Proud: Bush and his wife grin as they hold their first grandchild, who was born weighing 6lbs and 15oz

Proud: Bush and his wife grin as they hold their first grandchild, who was born weighing 6lbs and 15oz

Ladies of the family: Jenna and her mother Laura are pictured cooing over Margaret Laura 'Mila' Hager

Ladies of the family: Jenna and her mother Laura are pictured cooing over Margaret Laura 'Mila' Hager

Jenna and Mila BushHenry and Mila

Welcome: Jenna and her husband Henry cuddle Mila, who was named after her grandmothers

Family bonding: The men introduce baby Mila to golf as they watch Angel Cabrera play in the Masters

Family bonding: The men introduce baby Mila to golf as they watch Angel Cabrera play in the Masters

Soma habari kamili hapa - Bush Grandchild

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